Well I feel like I've not had time to visit the bathroom never mind chat to all my blogging friends this past week.
Lots and lots of stitching done though. My fingers are almost down to the bone :o)

A little bit of a play with a bondawebbed snowflake (throwing around ideas for my Winter Four Seasons quilt here and tried an idea I'd seen on
Kate's blog) this one measures about 3" across

Sarah's D of E blocks are going on a pace

This is the gorgeous paper pieced block, Rolling Star, she made from
Quilters Cache
For some unknown reason her quilting buddy Megan has taken umbrage with Sarah about something Sarah supposedly said at school so they are not speaking at all, there's also a great deal of mixing from another girl who is jealous of Megan's friendship with Sarah - so who knows if she will arrive tonight to carry on with her quilt - to be honest I'm way too busy and too weary with all the Christmas preparations to pander to teenage tantrums - we'll see.
However Sarah has definitely caught the bug - and I quote from this weekend......
"Mum, you know my quilt? Can I do 12 blocks instead of 9 and make it into a proper single bed sized quilt?"
Well of course you can imagine my delight as I confirmed that this would be absolutely fine.
She's also made an Ohio Star this weekend - going great guns - 8 blocks down, 4 to go.
As for me I've been stitching away disappearing up some imaginary and unmentionable orifice desperately trying to get things finished for Christmas presents. Nigel will be up country at the start of next week so I have a delivery service waiting for me to complete a few things - no pressure there then! I just have to get them completed by late Sunday afternoon in and amongst rugby etc!!!
Mind you I am getting there - I have completed the top for Spencer's I spy quilt - now the dreaded sandwiching - forgot to take a photo so you'll have to see that later in the week. It will only get the large meander treatment, but for a play quilt that's all it really needs and at least that is quick.
I just have a little applique to finish on my brother's table runner and that can be quilted and done.

I've stitched these little things for my boss (who loves cats) and Trish my lovely colleague - they need completing before the end of next week to take into work.
I'm merrily stitching a Father Christmas in red-work to go on a stocking for Spencer - after all a little boy on his very first Christmas does need a stocking to hang up.
The three quillows are sort of on the back burner as we will go up to my PILs in Worcester for Christmas dinner so I can finish those off at the last minute.

And finally all three embroidered baskets are done - two for Yorkshire, one for Worcester - woohoo!