The girls did so well at the rugby the other weekend - third from the whole country - the best result the SWS U18s have ever attained - and they were beaten in the semi-finals by the eventual champions so every reason to be proud of their achievements
But the usual air of busy contentment at home is sadly lacking at the moment:
I'm currently playing 'piggy in the middle' between all the other four members of the household who seem to argue constantly in any combination - usual father v teenager stuff, but seriously wearing me down
The insurance company are playing fast and loose over the accident - we are being falsely accused of creating a very small mark on the hire car we were provided with and now we are fighting a bill of £250 - what a scam!
The accident, although minor in personal physical terms, seems to have knocked me sideways somewhat - I just can't get the 'but it wasn't my fault' whinge out of my head every time I think about it and it seems to be having a somewhat disproportionately detrimental effect on my own personal feelings of wellbeing
To top all this off the arthritis I've suffered with for years in my fingers has flared up quite alarmingly in both my fingers and more worryingly my hands, wrists, elbows, knees and feet - they are sore even when at rest, driving is difficult, writing is painful and many other things are unpleasantly too uncomfortable to contemplate
The net result of this is - yes you've guessed it - not much stitching happening right now
This then means, in real terms:- Anne + no stitching = not a very happy bunny! My stitching is usually my sanity saver - the thing I bury myself in to cope with life's other unpleasantries.
I have a doctor's appointment this evening - maybe he can do something to alleviate the pain in my joints
Only time will tell..............