You know Mother Nature can always teach us a thing or two about colour combinations - just look at these rhododendrons in rich buttery cream and regal purple combined with the lovely green grass - a great starting point for a quilt. Stourhead in Wiltshire was an absolute delight last week with the variety of rhododendron colours in the gardens - pricey but well worth a visit
And talking about three colour quilts - here's where I've got to with the Batik Baskets

Still valiantly appliqueing away with the rest of the sashings to go round the edges
I've still been carrying on with some piecing too
Quite a while ago I received a Moda charm pack from another blogger - some of the charms had children and toys on them which weren't totally my scene but I passed them onto a dear friend who loved the 'Dick and Jane' fabrics and I knew she'd make excellent use of these which were similar
However I hung onto those charms from the pack that I especially liked but never found a suitable project for them. Then seeing the occasional hourglass quilt on various blogs thought that as I'd developed a newfound reasonable competence (tongue firmly in cheek there) for piecing I'd give it a go

Here we are so far - good fun but possibly not something I'd like to make every day - there should be just enough squares along with some border fabric to make a cot quilt
Finally I've been participating (I use the term loosely) in the Birthday Block swap that Kate's been running - unfortunately I've lost my way somewhat since about January - probably because I really couldn't apply myself to much stitching over that period.
Now we've got to June - the last month, and Kate's turn to receive blocks - and I've set myself the target to get all outstanding blocks out to their various recipients by the end of the month

Here's one of the RW&B Mariners Compass blocks that a fellow blogger made for me

And finally the two circle February blocks just awaiting trimming and posting out.
Keep stitching and smiling :o)