It is actually rather apt as first of all she was the person who originally hit my blogging radar screen and ultimately inspired me to start blogging myself.
And secondly it's also quite appropriate as one particular quilt of hers - 'Blue Ridge Beauty' - is the inspiration for my latest creation - but more of that later on.........
First of all I'll give you a quick peek at the latest photo of my three taken on our recent visit to Stourhead.
So back to those shirttails.
Recently Jane has made a start on an applique quilt made from an assortment of plaids
I'm a great charity shop visitor and here in Taunton we have a Barnardos shop which sells all items of clothing for 99p each - much cheaper than the other shops in town where you can easily pay four times that for a cotton shirt. So I often pop in and pick up men's shirts to supplement my plaid collection.
With the variety of shirtings I had gathered together foremost in my mind, I offered to send a selection to Jane to help bolster the variety needed for her quilt.
Once I'd completed the Jewel Box in the last post I thought I'd have a go at another 4 Patch/HST confection as they grow so quickly using Bonnie's Leaders and Enders theory. This time, however, I thought I'd use different block placements and decided to make it solely from plaid/striped shirtings and neutrals. That way, when Nick heads off to University in a few years time, there will be a slightly more masculine quilt waiting for him to take if he wants one.
This of course is where the design for Bonnie's lovely quilt 'Blue Ridge Beauty' makes an entry.
I'm having so much fun piecing and seeing the underlying pattern emerge that I can't see myself getting bored in the near future - bet you never thought you'd hear me say that!