You caught a glimpse of some celtic knotwork I've been working on a post or two ago - using a bright orange bias on a dark blue background
In order to do this type of work this I have to mark the initial pattern onto the background fabric which is all fine and dandy if I'm using a light coloured fabric - I just tape it to the window and use the daylight as a light box for tracing the pattern.
However this isn't quite so easy on a dark background - you need a very sunny day - something we're not always blessed with in this part of the world
So I thought I'd improvise and use a glass topped coffee table with an old lamp underneath it
This worked okay for the first of the four sections but was nowhere near ideal - I just couldn't seem to get the lamp in the right place to get a clear image through the dark fabric so it took a fair bit of faffing about to just trace the one and rather put me off doing the other three
I was chatting to my wonderful handy husband about it later in the day. He looked thoughtful and wandered off out into the garage for a while
He returned with a set of spotlights we'd bought at very little cost a while ago thinking they might come in handy for an unspecified future project - we have a garage full of this sort of 'it'll come in handy sometime' stuff
I agreed that they'd be ideal mounted in a board that I could put under the glass table
So off he went back to the garage and a wee while later after lots of sawing and banging .........

It should make very short work of tracing the other three motifs on that deep blue fabric.............
and I can feel an idea for a design on a black background germinating in the back of my mind
On another note is it only me or do other quilters procrastinate when it comes to adding borders to their work?
I really dislike this job and often work will sit in the cupboard stalling while waiting for this especially on big quilts. I hate manhandling and cutting large lengths of fabric
However the other day I took myself firmly by the hand and made myself do some border cutting and adding

Of course having cleared these borders from the 'to-do' list it seems only right that I should create something else that will need borders

...................... add on those dratted borders of course!!!