Friday, March 16, 2007

Red Nose Day!

Some years ago here in the UK a group of comedians got together to raise money for needy causes both here at home in Britain and in Africa. This event was christened 'Comic Relief' and the public were encouraged to wear red noses and do funny things to raise lots of cash.

Over the years this has been thoroughly adopted into the British calendar as 'Red Nose Day' and usually falls on the Friday nearest St. Patrick's Day in March. The BBC host a huge tv marathon all evening and encourage people to ring in and donate.

Lots of schools hold non-uniform days and the kids pay a 'fine' to dress up or wear their own clothes or silly hair do's or all three.

Here are my two youngest who have to wear something too big for them and have silly hair! Their elder sister just had to wear her own clothes so did not look quite as ridiculous.

Thank goodness it's only once a year - it took me the best part of an hour this morning to put all those plaits in her hair!


Sew Create It - Jane said...

LOL I can remember doing that one year for my DD1 (loads of plaits)...this year wasn't too bad with the youngest looking in every change purse, pocket and change pot for coppers for their penny collection and the eldest now able to do her own hair and makeup...she left the house with the most hideous red nail vanish and red lipstick!

Joyce said...

IT sounds a bit like our Halloween except here they go for candy and keep it! Not quite so generous, but they have a lot of fun.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Such fun, I have heard of this "red nose" day. I can remember when my daughter got to the age where she still wanted to participate in activities, like Halloween, but wouldn't want to appear any different from her peers; such a difficult time... sort of "caught between" age groups! Your little clowns look so happy!!

tami said...

That is a much more worthy cause to dress up for charity than to extort candy from your neighbors like Halloween. Your kids look so cute all ready for their day.

Simonetta said...

LOL...Excellent their uniform ;))) A good and correct cause!!! Great!

Judy said...

Looks fabulously fun!

His Office, My Studio said...

Red nose day is new for me. The kids are so cute!

Fiona said...

They look so funny! DS went to school wearing his red ears and red nose and red clothes too.

mereth said...

We have Red Nose day over here in Australia too, and you can even buy a Red Nose to put on the front of your car. But the kids don't dress up like yours which is a pity, they'd probably love it.
The quilting on Spencer's quilt is gorgeous, just as well it's a baby quilt or it would take you forever. He looks a real little sweetie; I have a soft spot for baby boys, having three myself.

Clare said...

DD and I miss it. She still has some of her red noses (she did have a squeaky one) and has got a red nose mug from about 10 years ago. We've been watching all the antics on TV. The Apprentice for Comic Relief is brilliant.

Libby said...

Sounds like a lot of fun and a very worthy cause.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I think they look wonderful! Very silly and happy!