The good weather is holding - well with some monumental rain showers last night which saves us watering the plants this evening anyway
Last Saturday Nick's football (soccer) coach hosted a barbeque at his house which, combined with a communal viewing of the England v USA match, included the team's presentation evening
His footballing skills have improved quite dramatically this season - maybe it's his age - but combined with the fact that his diabetes was diagnosed two weeks into the season, and he's had to factor in balancing all that too, this award was extra special
I'm always very good at shooting off at a tangent, especially when I'm bored in the middle of something.
Caroline's quilt has reached over exposure with me at present, there's only so much cream and pastel a girl can bear - so I've put it on one side and decided to play elsewhere
In my last post I showed you the pale grey, lilac and purple fabrics that I wanted to make a two colour quilt with
I couldn't think of a design off the top of my head so had a little search around the net
I entered 'two colour quilt designs' into google images and enjoyed a little bit of time browsing - well quite a lot of time actually
Finally I spotted something 'doable' without too many horrid triangles or set in seams

I liked the design but have more of the purple than the grey so I decided to reverse the colour placement - incidentally the lilac check went back into the melting pot of my fabric stash - this is too much of a purist design to complicate it with a third tone value
I keep chipping away at it - the 9 patches measure in at 3" square finished so it has a long way to go to make anything of a decent useable size but I shall keep constructing until I start to run short of fabric - I probably wouldn't be able to get any further supplies as I think both fabrics are quite old - so this will be the natural limiting factor
Surprisingly for me I'm enjoying all this piecing - must be sickening for something I think :o)
I've also made progress on the little heart wall-hangings to offer up for swapping
However there are lots of others including the pink in the photo - they finish up about 9" square and each one is similar but unique
So anyone who'd like to receive one don't be shy - they are up for grabs to anyone near or far in exchange for some fabric in neutral shades to bolster up my sadly depleted stocks of creams and pale beiges
Who's up for a swap?