When I looked at Sarah's DofE quilt I realised that there were two blocks with only three of the four fabrics included so I decided to add a little applique to bring in that elusive fourth fabric
With this in mind I remembered that one of the blocks had originally been destined to be a honeybee block and Sarah's reluctance to learn hand applique was the stumbling block preventing completion at the time

This left the final block................

I then proceeded to the borders.........

But my enthusiasm waned with the outer flowery pink border and the work sat on the cutting table for several days
My attention wandered and I sneaked back into my neat and tidy, labelled to within an inch of its life cupboard where my gaze settled on........

That was it - the DofE quilt had been usurped
Usually I would leave it and all its accompanying fabrics out, shove it to the corner of my sewing area and make a start on the new project - as you can imagine several projects later the detritus mountain will have reformed
But you would have been very proud of me. I packed the DofE quilt and its assorted fabrics back up into its labelled bag and returned it to the correct labelled ufo box in the cupboard.
That's my new philosophy, if it isn't the current project put it back in its correct home - it will eventually surface again as the favourite of the moment to be worked on at another time

Some toning 3"spotty sashing and striped cornerstones to pick out the green of the crocodiles

Mind you it wasn't without the odd hiccup - last night, after an extremely emotional day including a family funeral and a lengthy drive there and back, when stitching all the blocks together I managed to transpose the two left hand blocks on the middle row - obviously time to admit defeat and head off to bed.
A good night's sleep left me refreshed, and delighted by the England win in their initial Rugby World Cup game, to do a bit of unpicking and restitch the blocks in their correct places this morning
......... and now the top is back in the cupboard with all my other completed tops in their neatly labelled box as I'm not quite in the mood for sandwiching yet so I'm hunting another ufo to come out and play with me for a while
Gorgeous baby quilt...I'm sure it will be well appreciated.
((hugs)) to you for your difficult day...it sounds quite tiring.
Yes - I am very proud of you - lol ! Funny how we switch from one thing to another - I have the attention span of a gnat at the moment and am doing bits of lots of different things. As long as I start nothing new this will be fine as they'll all get done in the end. Not sure if that will be the case though. Perhaps you could quilt Sarahs top as a Christmas pressie. Btw I love your hexies from the last post xxxx
Both tops look fabulous and I am in awe of your discipline, I do hope you can keep it up!!
I took the boys to a movie this morning and came home to find Hubby had 'tidied' the kitchen after painting it. This set a panic in motion that his Lordship would feel holier than though and have a go about my sewing room that looks like not only did a bomb go off, but that every plastic container in the house has been utilised for fabric storage on every horizontal surface including the floor, sink, ironing area, worktops... I can now get to the above areas, but there is still vast amounts of sorting and tidying work to be done... So I am so very proud of you!
Hope the rugby is cheering you up ;)
Lovely quilt top - and all sounding fantastically organised - well done you!
Oh how I wish that some of your organizational resolve could rub off on me!
Good rule. I have started doing the same and it keeps things under control. Sometimes you just need a change of pace.
love the little quilt. soo cute.
Love your applique additions to that quilt--and congrats on sticking to your organization plan. My sewing area is decidedly out of control. However, having lost a sewing room over a year ago, all my stuff is in four rooms of the house so I guess I earn a bye for that, no?
Love the friendship stars.
Sorry to hear you lost a family member. My sympathies indeed.
Sorry to hear of your sad day. Hope you are feeling a little bit more cheerful.
I love the colours of Sarah's DofE quilt. That purple is gorgeous. Goodness me, you are being disciplined!
The baby quilt is lovely, so light for a baby.
Sounds like you had a trying day. It is always good to start refreshed the next day.
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