........ somewhat tied up in knots this week
It must be easily seven or eight years ago we spent a week's holiday staying in a holiday cottage in Skipton in the Yorkshire Dales. As I hale from that neck of the woods we took the opportunity to visit and catch up with old friends
One of my friends hinted that she would love one of my quilts and when asked what her preferred colour scheme would be she said how much she loves coastal colours; sands, creams and blues
In my usual fashion, on our return home I delved into my stash and started work on one of my medallion quilts - you know the theme, start in the middle with no particular plan and just keep adding what you fancy round the outside

Working on this over the past week made me remember why I enjoyed it so much; from the design drafting through the interweaving of the bias tubing to the leisurely hand stitching along each edge
Here we are so far - it still needs probably a couple more rounds to make it up to the size of a useable bed sized quilt - but for now it's neatly back in the cupboard in its correct place until inspiration strikes me for the next stage. It's a good job the friend has never been told I'm working on it - she would probably have given up hope of ever catching sight of it
Other than a bit of mindless string piecing some scraps together because I had the desire to stitch something simple on the machine I've stayed in the same knotty mode