in those immortal words from the gang of Monty Python.
In our conservatory we have a lovely table which used to live in my flat (pre-Nigel) where space was limited.

It's dark wood and has two leaves and opens out to around 30" x 60" ish but when the leaves are down it only takes up a foot print of 30" x 8" - perfect for storage in a small flat.
It was bought at a time when I had plenty of spare cash and is of pretty good quality albeit its not an antique or anything.
Since it moved out into the conservatory Nigel has kept saying that we ought to cover it up so it doesn't fade. He does have a point, however this has become his current bee in his proverbial bonnet. I could put a tablecloth over it but in our house it would slide off to join the rest of the melee before you could say 'Jack Robinson'
So I finally set to last night to make something bespoke to cover it.

In true
Dawn and Rolf Harris fashion here's a 'Can you guess what it it yet' photo
It will be bright and cheerful and it won't matter too much if it fades as I won't have invested too much time and fabric in it.

I'm also still bitten by the stitchery bug and have started another project -
Finn will have a good idea what the subject will be - I'm going to keep the rest of you all in suspense for a day or two yet - but I needed some handwork to take to my group this morning
The basket it's sitting in was a bargain from a shop we have that I think is peculiar to Taunton - Chaplins. It's a homeware store that sells anything from garden plants to wetsuits, party wigs to teapots and a whole range of other stuff in between.
I was in there yesterday looking for a pack of thistle seed to keep the very hungry goldfinches that frequent our garden happy. Unusually they didn't have the seed but I did find this basket for £3.99 and it will match my lounge perfectly in a futile attempt to stop my 'in progress' stitching migrating around the room - yes okay don't laugh - you have to at least try to make an effort!
And finally here's a picture of the 'White Elephant Cover' in situ - so far so good, nothing deposited on it yet. Maybe I ought to start a book running to see how long it takes :o)
Have a good stitchy day everyone :o)
A great friend of mine has rheumatoid arthritis in her hands and hates the cold and damp weather down in the Pays Basque. She has got round this by knitting - constantly! Do yo uusually keep a foot spa under the table? LOL!
Seriously, the White Elephant is gorgeous and I have no idea what you are up to.
Two years ago I bought exactly the same basket from a local shop. I live in Vienna, Austria :)
I'm guessing some sort of crazy patchwork - the pieces don't look uniform enough for anything else (but I could be wrong and often am).
This is why I love your Blog - you're always starting (and finishing) something new! The white elephant cover is gorgeous in its new place and I'm looking forward to see what you come up with for the table.
Your table topper is perfect!
Your info. on arthritis was good to read and considering that my Mom's right hand is so mishappen now, it would be wise of me to do something with my fingers to keep them nimble. Perhaps it's time for me to take up some knitting again.
I'll be back to see what new stitchery you're up to.
Good idea to cover that beautiful table. It's too nice to get faded or have something wet set on it. The white elephant cover has worked a lot better in your house than it ever would have in ours.
I'm always looking for the perfect basket for my handwork!
Jeanne :)
Those fabrics looks very perky and fun. Can't wait to see what they become. Maybe a crumb qult?
You've piques my interest...can't wait to see what you are working on next.
We've got goldfinches in our yard for the first time. I put out niger seed, which they seem to like..I'll have to look for thistle seed. the foot spa under the table ;o) I've got one of those too.
Oh I love that table! What a shame to cover it up - but then even more of a shame to have it fade! so I"m guessing it will be a table runner, but what design? Hmmm, now I get to wait and see!
Yeah! The white elephant topper is finished and doing its job beautifully! And what! You've started another table topper for the conservatory? You do keep busy don't you!
I love Sarahs comment about saving the fabric! Just put a needle in her hand and in a couple of years she'll be following right in your footsteps.
Your White Elephant cover is beautiful!
The white elephant cover looks lovely -- and what is it about husbands and bees in their bonnets?
Looks fabulous!
Oh, the White Elephant cover turned out so beautifully! I also like your table topper - Buggy Barn patterns are so much fun! The border you chose is absolutely perfect for those stars.
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