She's going to make her very own Dear Jane quilt
Cathi at Celtic Knots is in the middle of hand quilting her beauty.
I've had the book for several years now - I take it off the shelf, stroke and peruse it and then put it back again.
Anina has challenged us to join her on her Dear Jane voyage
Last night I made a start...........
I may not make the full quilt - I might only make a nine or twelve block Baby Jane but I'm going along for the ride - because I need another project like a hole in the head!

In the comments on my last post Clare asked why you weren't allowed to see the wonky house I've made for Bonnie. No reason other than I was too bone idle to get off my butt and take a photo of it before I posted last time.

This morning I had to be up by 6.30 to drop Nigel off at the local hospital for 7.30am. He's in as a day case for an umbilical hernia repair. I stayed with him until they wheeled him off down to theatre at about 10am. That felt very strange - with the various operations I've had over the years it's usually been him sitting at the side of my bed - I'd rather have been in the bed taking his place. I now have an edgy morning waiting until I can ring at around 1pm to make sure everything went okay. No reason to suspect it won't - it's a minor procedure but the sitting and waiting game isn't a comfortable seat.
Now do I finish off those embroidered hearts or decide on another DJ block to work on?
No it's a quick trip into town to take his passport renewal to the Post Office - he's left it right until the last minute to renew (forgot to look at the expiry date more like) still with a sore tum I don't suppose he'll be swanning off to foreign climes for a week or two
PS - His Lordship rang me on my mobile phone at around 12noon while I was in the Post Office queue to report he was 'dry as a bone, a little bit sore, very bruised and although he can probably be collected at about 2.30 has decided to sleep the afternoon off in there and summon me to collect him when he's ready later in the afternoon'
There's gratitude for me worrying my socks off all morning!!! :o)
I started my DJ several years ago, made about 60 blocks, but gave them all away to Nadine. Because I did not like the colours anymore. But I plan to start all over again. Perhaps now?????? Have to think about it.
Bonnie's going to love them - lots of lovely plains.
You're very brave attempting a Baby DJ. Chapeau!
Oh blast it - meant PLAIDS
Hope Nigel surgery goes well. I know what it's like to be the one on the side of the bed instead of in the bed. I'd rather trade places too!
Like you first little block. I started a Dear Jane awhile back and only made a few blocks. Maybe joining a group would spur me on to get it done.
Best wishes to Nigel. Hope it all goes well ! My first DJ got abandoned as I changed my mind over colours and my second one didn't really get going - I still think of it as a WIP though. Will get back to it sometime . . .
I'm glad Nigel's surgery went well. I'm thinking about joining in on the DJ group...mine stopped cold about 14 blocks in. This might be the push I need to get it out again!
My DJ is in its infancy and will move along rather slowly but I hope to make as many blocks as I feel up to. The most challenging ones may get skipped.
I've been working on a DJ for a few years now. I do a few, and then there is a big gap before I do any more. So many quilts that can be finished more quickly. I think I'm almost due to make a few more blocks...
Glad Nigel is feeling fine after the surgery. I wish him a quick recovery.
That Baby Jane is so tempting - I don't have the book but maybe . . . .
Ah, the lure of the Dear Jane... Cathi (who is sitting here next to me) is actually more than half-way through quilting her DJ - although she hasn't done much this week, apparently. We'll look forward to your progress.
Those DJ quilts just scare me! Maybe when I'm a better quilter they won't so much :)
Hope you are all recovered from your lurgy.
My SIL just had an umbilical hernia fixed too. She's fine now - you can let Nigel know that she was back looking after her four boys under 8 that same night :) :) :)
And I'm going to do a wonky house too. And have signed up for the Spring 4SQS too :)
I am like the others - made a few DJ blocks and then set them aside. Might be time to get a few more made. I don't have any illusions of ever completing the whole thing, but a mini version would be fun. You might be the motivation I need.
I got as far as 9 blocks in DJ and decided that was enough for me! I have a lovely 9 block DJ!
So glad Nigel's surgery went ok! I thought I was going in for routine day surgery to repair umbilical hernia.... they found I had almost literally come apart at the seams, & it was a huge op! I had to spend 2 days, & had extensive repairs, including lots of metal mesh inserted! Turned out I could have died, so though I am a 'funny' shape now, I guess the alternative would be worse!
I don't seem to 'get' the Dear Janes... I feel almost guilty. I wonder if I am the only one?
Getting a head start on DJ are you? Cheater! :-)
Have you decided on colors?
Oh my - Dear Jane is one that I will always admire from afar.
Hope Hubby is recuperating well and being a good patient - we don't want you to lose your patience *s*
I love your first DJ block. I think i'll wait till i retire to take that one on. RE: Meggie's question, do you think the appeal is mainly the challenge or..? Must confess i'm also a little unclear on the DJ appeal, altho it appeals to me too.
Hope your hubby is on the mend! I am going to ignore the call for company on DJ. I long to do one but lack the time right now. I did make a couple in orientals last year which looked fabulous. Will watch your progress from the sidelines and cheer you on!!
I've started and stopped a DJ several times. I donated about 30 blocks to a silent auction. Maybe I'll start again?!
Hope Nigel recovers soon - both for him and to give you a break!
First, I have to say I love the way you set the house block! So cute. Second, I just might have to hop over to check out the DJ thing going on because I've been tempted... Looks like a lot of work. And I need another hole in my head, too. *hehe* Third, your sense of humor sure shines through in your posts. You're a great writer. I'm glad your hubby made it through surgery well.
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