For a change this weekend's bank holiday has been blessed with wonderful weather in this part of the world
Nick did manage to find a novel way to keep from getting burned - he does look uncannily like something washed up on a beach in a crime series
A bag from Nancy Near Philadelphia with some lovely fabrics as well - thank you Nancy, they're lovely
Usually the approach of a bank holiday is sufficient to send the sales of raincoats and umbrellas through the roof
But no, this time sandals and sun cream were the order of the day
The sand at Bridport is a moveable feast - it seems to depend on what effect the winter tides and storms have previously had on the beach
This year the sand isn't really sand, more small pebbles which are absolute purgatory to walk on in barefeet and annoyingly want to get right into your sandals if you don't take them off
Still the type of 'sand' didn't spoil the day.
Apart from Sunday's excursion to the coast we've stayed around home
Nigel has made a really good start on the back garden (so far, no pipes!)
to continue the jewel box quilt
I'm still pondering over the cornerstones between these sashings - I'm leaning towards some sort of nine-patch but I'm not sure on the colour placement yet - mind you the other eleven sashings will give me plenty of time to make up my mind
Right must dash - off to measure up how many paving slabs we need for the back garden