She has a high level bed with a sofa arrangement underneath which can be pulled out to make a double bed to accomodate occasional visitors.
On the wall above her head are two short shelves which she tends to keep the odd special soft toy (or seven!) and any books she might wish to dip into before she settles down to sleep
She is, by nature, the untidiest little monkey imaginable and so these shelves are somewhat higgledy piggledy to err on the cautious side.
I find it totally impossible to physically clamber up onto her bed, my rock climbing days are long gone, so Sarah always does the mountaineering for sheet changing etc. As a result this whole area is a bit of a 'no-go area'
When Nige and I looked in on her the other night on our way to bed we spotted several drinks containers up there from previous evenings when she'd taken a drink to bed with her in case she was thirsty.
The next morning I stood over her (well under her actually if you look at the geographical layout literally) while she passed down not one, not two, but EIGHT part filled drinks bottles.
To make matters worse most of them had diluted squash/cordial in - totally verboten!
'How many times do I have to remind you to look after those teeth - you won't get another set!!!!' She knows she should only have plain water after she's cleaned her teeth before bed!
Mind you I really shouldn't be at all surprised - her bedroom should actually carry a government health and safety warning both from a clutter point of view and for what the unsuspecting victim might just catch by venturing in past the doorway!
The major miracle in all this was how all of these precariously balanced bottles had managed not to fall off onto her head and render her unconscious.
My goodness - if she's like this at almost 11 whatever will she be like when she goes away to Uni?!?!?!?
Back onto quiltier things - I've made little progress over the past day or two - far too busy at work calculating predictions for the end of year and preliminary preparations for next year's budget - and after all girls how many interesting photos can you post of a pile of cut squares of fabric which is about all I've accomplished so far this week. However I did get the label and hanging sleeve onto my winter Four Seasons quilt and wrap it up to take to the Post Office today - Last Minute Larry as usual!
Never mind - maybe tonight I can start stitching those flying geese.