I haven't come out of my heart phase yet, but I spotted a teeny little quilt the other day on a yahoo list I belong to which employed the clever use of churn dash blocks and fabric shading to hint at a larger block over the top.
I emailed the maker, who doesn't have a blog to my knowledge, and asked her permission to use the idea

She very sweetly agreed and so here we are the very early stages
Hers was a miniscule 5.5" finished in shades of green and beige with all the sub-units measuring in at half an inch square - I couldn't stomach something that tiny (yet) so have gone for a more manageable version at around 13.5" (using 1.5" units) in zany purple and yellow!
Lots of HSTs and QSTs but as it's only nine blocks I think I can keep the enthusiasm going - watch this space - I'll revert to appliqueing hearts when I feel my own personal piecing overflow level being reached
Then there was a wonderful treat in the post today
Dawn had a draw on her blog to celebrate 500 posts - WOW!

I was one of the lucky people and here is the most darling little quilt I received yesterday - please excuse the Heath Robinson fashion of hanging - I was so excited I couldn't wait to stitch on the hanger or put a nail in the wall

Along with it came some scrummy chocolate and a lovely little sewing case
Thank you Dawn they're lovely

Here's my boy sporting a terrific black eye - he was punched by a classmate at school yesterday lunchtime during a game of kickaround football - so that meant a visit to the school yesterday afternoon - however the school have been magnificent and are dealing with the issue in a way which totally satisfies our family, the boy who threw the unprovoked punches has serious anger management problems and comes from a terrible background, but the school's attitude, while needing to offer help to this unfortunate boy, is also to ensure a safe environment for his peers - Nick does look a bit of a bruiser though doesn't he? There's now a big competition in our house between him and his elder sister as to who's had the better black eye - Kids!!!