Well we're back from our foray into beautiful rural Herefordshire. The weather was exceptionally kind to us - like a balmy summer day rather than the usual weather we have in April.
We had some really lovely days - Nigel took the children, three of ours and two of our hosts, canoeing down the River Wye one day, another day both families spent the afternoon exploring the gardens of a nearby stately home - here you can see the entire Bebbington family in one shot - an unusual occurrence by any standards. After all one of us is usually taking the picture.

Another day I took the two eldest girls into Hereford on a shopping expedition with the main aim to find a posh frock for Sarah for her forthcoming rugby club presentation evening - we found a fabulous elegant long black number for the princely sum of £40 (about 75 US$) which was a real bargain.
The rest of the time we chilled big time - what a treat after the past few weeks, particularly for me - gave me the chance to rest my aching brain and just recuperate.

Here are our three with Scamp the farm pony - more new experiences for them.
All in all a wonderful break.
I managed to do a little hand work while I was there - probably the most stitching I've done for a few weeks. I would show you my progress but the camera is with Nigel at present.
We arrived back in Taunton mid afternoon on Thursday in plenty of time for Sarah to go to work at the local swimming pool where she helps the little children learn how to swim.
However no rest for Nigel - he was up at 5am the next morning to head off for Exeter airport to catch a flight for Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
His ultimate destination was the tiny neighbouring Channel Island of
Sark - a beautiful idyllic place which is even more peaceful than rural Herefordshire.
Sadly the reason for his trip is less than happy. His cousin Caroline is the post mistress on the island and her husband died suddenly of a massive heart attack a few weeks ago while they were on holiday with their young children in Australia. Tim was only 45 years old - a sudden and shocking way to go. Althought they held his funeral and cremation while they were still in Oz today will be his memorial service on the island.
Finances prohibit all five of us from attending but we felt it only right that Nigel should go to represent us all.
Things like that certainly make you count your blessings and try to live life to the full.
On a lighter note I managed a trawl of our local charity shops yesterday and came home with a haul of lots of lovely cotton garments. As I haven't got the camera at present I can't treat you to a picture of my goodies - maybe tomorrow when my beloved returns from his trip.
I think I can feel a plaids and plains quilt coming on - as if I haven't got enough on the go already!
On a final note
Tanya from Japan tagged me for the Thinking Blog meme - I haven't had the chance to sit down and give this some thought yet - so I'll save my list of inspirational blogs for another day