...............that so many of you know my husband better than I do.
Yes, you've guessed it - the kids and I ended up clearing the conservatory of all those coats and shoes. Don't ask - lets just say the possible impending row wasn't worth it
No don't shout all at once 'We told you so'
However the coats, shoes, scarves, hats, gloves and bags were very lucky to get back into that cupboard. It was very nearly claimed for something else
Enough of coats and cupboards and onto more stitchy things
I've received details of my partner for the final Summer part of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap
Obviously I can't tell you who he/she is but a love of red was one of the things on the preference list
Now I have a big query here for all you experts.

Yesterday I went on a workshop held locally and arranged by a lady from our Monday morning group - how fortuitous it was in the holidays and I could make a weekday.
It was on Atarashii patchwork which is a variation on the theme of Japanese Folded Patchwork
I ended up making 3" blocks which were more fiddly than the recommended 4" ones - my pieces of card were too small to make templates for 4" blocks.
The outer circles are pieced and the inner inserts too - with careful placing of colours and fabrics you can produce endless combinations of patterns. I shall persevere with this piece of work - after all I've completed nine of the 16 blocks but I wouldn't say it's a technique I'd play with on a regular basis.
However it was very nice to spend the day just stitching amongst pleasant company.
Right I have some 'work' work to do today - BORING! - yes and it's for work but in the holidays! - I've brought home a great wadge of paperwork which has been piling up and crying out to be sorted into some semblance of order (before I get a surprise visit from the auditors too) - I'd never get the time or the workspace in the office to do it so home seemed the most sensible option - I shall claim the time for it though but it does seem a shame to take up a chunk of my holiday time
Never mind once I've completed it I might just have a go at finishing off the Japanese Folded blocks - or crack on with the Summer quilt.