You know, having two failed relationships prior to meeting Nigel, I count my lucky stars every day I spend married to him.
He's having the toughest time at work at present, firefighting to stop lots of other people's errors and oversights impacting on the company. As a result he's getting so stressed and of course this all spills out into our family life at home. He really doesn't want it to, but hey we all have times when we can't leave work at work and middle of the night phonecalls and mealtime interruptions combined with very long hours are definitely getting to him.
Hence if I want him to do anything around the house I pick my moments very carefully, not because I'd get an adverse reaction you understand, just that I really need to be supportive to him and not add to his burdens.
So it was a real treat today that, having completely bottomed the 'play-room' yesterday - not only my stitching end but the computer end too - he could take the time out to sort out hanging my quilting rulers on the wall so they're easily to hand and not in danger of any damage
Okay so it only meant knocking a few masonry nails in but the fact that the job was done with good grace and love is especially important at the moment :o)
He is just the best husband, father, provider and friend I could have ever picked and, albeit it's third time lucky, he was definitely worth the wait!
Isn't it great that when we do find the right one, it's like a lightbulb going on inside. Congratulations on the lightbulb!
I really like the way he arranged your rulers-decorative as well as handy.
hope htere's a light at the end of the tunnel soon for Nigel...
Your wall looks strangely like mine. I was lucky because it was plywood covered with wallpaper so I could hammer nails in anywhere and know they would be ok. Also I could do it myself which I wouldn't have dared if it were plaster behind the wallpaper.
Congrats on your good choice of partners.
You have my most favorite rulers.. Creative Grids! Love them so much! Good idea to hang them all so neatly. I luckily found the best man on the first try, but it's great when we find one huh?
Oh I love the pic of your family and your sewing room wall! Lovely! And here's to Nigel!!!! He gets man of the year!
Hugs to Nigel!! It's horrible when work's like that. It must make it easier that he has such a lovely and loving wife.
Yep, failed relationships truly make us appreciate the good ones :)
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