The weather in Somerset today has definitely had more of a promise of summer than of late. My parents treated us to a visit to a National Trust property about half an hour from home that they've not had the chance to visit before.
The National Trust is a charity throughout the UK which takes on buildings of historical significance (usually old stately homes but not always as I believe they own the house where John Lennon grew up in Liverpool) and keeps them up to scratch thus saving them from falling to rack and ruin.
This costs a phenomenal amount of money every year and they are quite expensive to visit - my parents are members, as a family we can't justify that kind of expenditure, so it was a very generous gift of a day out today - especially as a 'cream tea' was also on the agenda - that's scones with jam and whipped cream with a pot of tea for those of you who haven't come across this delicious but sadly waist expanding experience :o(
Montacute House is an Elizabethan mansion dating back to the early 1600's and is quite simply just beautiful. Ten out of ten to the National Trust for providing kid friendly activities all round the place including a storyteller in costume and the opportunity to dress in some period costume, most particularly the starched ruff collars the earliest residents would have worn.
The hall also sports a lovely collection of very old needlework samplers with examples of some beautiful embroidery - some of the drawn-thread work was so tiny I'm not sure how they could see to pull out the correct threads - after all no daylight 150watt bulbs in those candle powered days. A real treat for me in particular
The journey back was convoluted to say the least as the driver (that's me) lost concentration at one vital roundabout and took a 20 minute detour of yet another unexplored part of Somerset because the three youngest occupants of the car were twittering in a very distracting manner in the back.
Still they were the ones who wanted to get home most urgently so I guess they got their just desserts! :o)