I drag 'Flightless Beauty' up the stairs and arrange it artfully on our bed (for this operation read square it up evenly and smooth it out), give the bedside tables a cursory tidy (which equates to stuffing all the extra bits and bobs into the top drawer and straightening anything left like the radio alarm) - after all we really don't do tidy in this house, well only enough to get by, after all it takes up valuable quilting time.
Then I hobble back down the stairs for the camera (sore achilles on the right foot - but not bad enough to stop me pressing the sewing machine pedal you understand) and return to take the shot..........
NOTHING!........... the square root of zilch! ............. won't even fire up Poo and double poo!
Think the battery is flat, it did this to us the other day at Longleat Safari Park as well, right at the giraffes - my favourite! Try and change the lead in case that's faulty - DD1's mobile phone one doesn't fit - typical! Will have to wait until Senior Electrician #1 returns from work tonight (alias DH) as he's IC this sort of thing
Starting to feel a little concerned as it is the Quilt Show this weekend and we're on holiday for a week the weekend after - plus really can't begin to think about funding the purchase of a replacement if necessary
So to cheer myself up I browsed through my old photos and sought out something I'd not shown you before.
This black white and red quilt was a UFO. DD2, when she was quite small was heavily into 101 dalmations - we have a veritable boarding kennels worth of the stuffed variety spread liberally between her bedroom and the loft (don't tell the RSPCA I keep those up there in black bin liners instead of kennels)
She wanted a 'dalmation' bedroom and a black and white quilt to match - the bedroom never got that far on the decorating front and the quilt stayed as a UFO with only 16 blocks made and stitched together because as fickle as small girls can be - the next infatuation was Barbie PINK!!! (you can't really describe that particular colour quietly can you)
Then a close friend's daughter mentioned she liked black, white and red so I decided to drag it out and complete it
It was a bit lacklustre just as the blocks so I appliqued red kites with loose ribbons dangling from them and 3D little bows along the strings.
Then I put a few prairie points in red between the blocks and the border and quilted it in lines of kite strings with bows along them in red thread
A checkered and red binding completed the ensemble ....Voila!