Thought I'd put a picture of me up instead of a quilt so you can all see what this mad English woman looks like that you've been reading all this verbal diarrhoea from. This a photo of my little sister and I at our baby brother's wedding (I'm the one with the red top) - she's the pretty brunette (VBG) It was taken September '04 and sadly I have gained about 30lbs since then :o( - still I'll keep on with the swimming
I caught this ABC of me on Calico Cat's blog and it looked fun to do and made me think a little more closely about how others perceive me - have a go if you wish to be tagged - don't bother if you can't be bothered :o)
Accent – Good old Yorkshire ‘Eeh bye ‘eck, with a little of whoever I’m talking to or spending time with thrown in as I very quickly pick up other peoples twang
Booze – Partial to Cointreau but only very very long and well watered down with lemonade and only very occasionally as I was seriously ill with pancreatitis about three years ago so treat my pancreas with more than a bit of respect
Chore I hate – Scrubbing the bath – it’s all that stretching plays havoc with my sciatica and as fast as you clean it some rotter comes along and dirties it again – eh? must be something to do with all that rugby!
Dog/cat - neither – don’t you think three kids are enough animals for any one house? – but seriously me and the kids would love a cat – dad just won’t give in and it has to be a unanimous decision
Essential electronics - Computer, digital camera, pre-set oven timer
Favorite perfume – Diorella by Christian Dior or Cristalle by Chanel – both very lemony scents – my favourite type of smell
Gold/silver – probably gold – expensive tastes although I do have quite a bit of silver.
Hometown – born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England but spent my formative years in Ilkley on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales so that’s really where I consider home
Insomnia – only very, very occasionally – so I get up and hand stitch until I feel drowsy
Job title – temporary school secretary – would love to be permanent – any offers? :o)
Kid(s)- three wonderful monsters
Living arrangements – four bed detached UK estate house which means smallish rooms and tiny garden with very close neighbours – land is at a real premium here
Most admirable trait – Can usually see the positive side of most things
Number of countries visited – 14 – but most of those are in Europe which is a quick hop across the water from here so not so impressive
Overnight hospital stays – three kids by caesarean and lots of run of the mill operations – nothing particularly exciting but I guess I’ve had my money’s worth out of the National Health Service
Phobias – really, really don’t like unfenced edges like harbours – give me the shudders and doubly so if the kids go near them
Quote – Always look on the bright side of life :o)
Religion – Christian – Methodist but don’t go as often as I’d like – fitting it in amongst the kids commitments along with not really finding a new church down here that lights my fire are the feeble excuses as I do miss it - sadly DH can take or leave organised religion with the emphasis on leave so we don't have total family commitment which also makes it harder
Siblings – As eldest of three I have a younger sister by 3.5 years and a younger baby brother by 9 years.
Time you usually wake – 7am with the alarm, 8 – 8.30am if left to my own devices
Unusual talent – I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue – totally useless but unusual nevertheless....
Vegetable I refuse to eat – raw onion – just can’t stand it and peppers which make me vomit literally! Yeeuuchhh!
Worst habit – my kids would say repeating myself – erm that would be repeating myself – oh and yes I do tend to repeat myself
X-rays – several on arthriticky joints.
Yummy foods I make – I think I’m a reasonable cook – my kids and DH always come back for more and I make a wicked Cinnamon and Whisky Cake.
Zodiac – Taurus the bull – tendency towards stubbornness – maybe this should be the answer to the worst habit question :o)
All a bit of fun and a good time waster when I should be cooking 'bangers and mash' for tea - that's English (and very probably Yorkshire) for farm shop scrummy sausages and mashed/creamed potatoes with garden peas because they're easy and all the kids will eat them